My First Job


During the summer of 2018 I had my first real job, sure I'd done smaller babysitting gigs like every teenager but this was my first consistent 9-5 job. This summer I had the chance to work for CPF in an amazing program called Coastal Classroom as a high school intern. Which I can can talk about in my next blog posting but in this posting I want to focus on the fact that this program was amazing at helping its interns prepare for college and future job opportunities. We had workshops to help interns learn how to write resumes and cover letter. Personally this was extremely helpful for me because these are real skills that I'm going to need to succeed in the future. Especially now that I am entering my senior year in high school and am applying colleges. These workshops taught me how to use action words to make talking about myself easier and in a more positive way which is crucial to me now that I'll be having to write my college essay.

-Eliza Fuentes