Classic Harbor Line

The image above is me putting figure eights on the cleat to hold Manhattan ll On to the dock.

The image above is me putting figure eights on the cleat to hold Manhattan ll On to the dock.

A whole new experience, That's what my internship at CHL was. Their boats are beautiful, spotless, and so yacht-like. Being a deckhand for them is great, once you work for them it definitely feels like you're part of a family. I met so many new and nice people, the funny thing is that so many of them are actors but the way they know about boats you would have never guessed. The others vary from working on schooners and/or working on degrees, there was even one instance that we had a Charter on one of the boats and I met Pam Seagle. If you aren't familiar with who she is , she's one of all the survivors off the Miracle on the Hudson. Her and I talked with each other and she gave me her inside story about how she was feeling and when she was in the raft with Sulley. Working there for 3 months and I already have years worth of memories, I would definitely recommend this job to anyone carrying heavy responsibility and patience.

-Brianna Rodriguez