Staten Island Ferry Internship
At first glance the Staten Island Ferry service seems just that, a ferry service. However it doesn't stop there, not nearly. Malachi another harbor school senior, in the marine system tech CTE, alone with me were sent to this as our internship. On our second week we received the chance to get a tour by John Garvey, the director or ferry operations, the amount of work that's done among the Staten Island Ferry service is ming boggling. Some of these task would include dock dock building/maintenance, which would be task with everything from building a complete new dock or maintaing any they currently have. Smaller branches being machinist who would work wit the small boats or metal sheet worker who would work on the metal hull of some rescue boats. This was a huge surprise at first mainly because of the list of jobs that are pretty much behind the scene, however, they play a huge role into the ferry operations. This would be it for our day before we left on our boat to shadow a chief mate, but that's another story for another day.