Our Journey To Sea Safety International In NJ
Carlyle shoots the fire extinguisher with the fire suit on.
The trip taken by the Vessel Ops junior class to Sea Safety International was amazing for a couple of reasons. First, it was great to be able to see, use and work with safety equipment hands on.
When we got there, the man touring us around asked for volenteers to try on the fire fighting suit. Carlyle and I both tried it on. One cool thing about the suit was that it covered almost all of a person's body. The suit included thick knee high boots, bright yellow pants (complete with insulation), a fire proof jacket, a ski mask like head covering, a helmet and visor, and finally thick blue gloves. What impressed me about the suit was how hard it was to move around in it. Now, that might have been because I was wearing a extra extra large, but, it still amazed me that fire fighters are strong enough to be able to move around in it in challenging situations.
The second great thing about our trip was the things we learned in case of an emergency. Our trip taught me the value of seeing and using equipment before a person is actually in an emergency. In the case of the fire suit, although I would most likely not be the one using it, it is helpful to know how long it takes to put the suit on and the best ways to move while wearing it. This way, when an emergency actually happens, you know what to expect. My journey to Sea Safety was fun, interesting, and enlightening. I'm glad I got to go.