Harbor School Presents Career and Technical Education (CTE)
A happy photo after the presentation of CTE. We lead a entire session on our own on Wednesday.
In our session we made people aware of what Career and Technical Education is and what the Harbor School has done. All the specifics of funding and core values of CTE were discussed. After the culmination of the presentation, people were divided into small groups that represented a specific program of study. Within those groups, they discussed how to apply Career and Technical Education Programs to their program. We think that the connection between CTE and Industry helps students to learn more fully and the industry to employ a highly skilled work base.
Most groups were accompanied by someone who was either enrolled in a program or taught a CTE program. It was left up to the group to formulate ideas on how they can use partnerships to create a program of study that can be beneficial to themselves and the other partner,anyone from a school to a business. Groups realized that, by creating a CTE program, certifications and specific skills can be taught to better ready program participants for a career.