Senior Interns


The seniors are saying goodbye to Indy 7 and Privateer. No, the boats aren't leaving--we are. We're taking our next steps as vessel operations students. We are using the knowledge we've learned throughout our lessons taught by Aaron and Luis in our new internships. We bring skill to the table and there are a lot of sites that want a Harbor student. We will be placed on a variety of vessels ranging from the schooners of South Street Seaport to the party boats of Spirit and Hornblower. We will be getting hands on experience and an idea what it will be like if we choose to enter the Maritime field.

Vessel operation students are looking forward for this opportunity. “We aren’t just getting paid but are learning what it’s like to work with a different crew which is very exciting”  said Almeta Cable, a senior vessel operations student. Students will no longer be able to ask their teachers questions when they need help but will have to problem solve and think on their feet, putting all our training to use.  Our crew will view us as adults, expecting us to be responsible and professional. We’re being put into real world situations where the lives of passengers are in our hands. Not many high school students are given the opportunity to do all the things we do and everyone is happy to be a part of it.