Captain Todd
Maraya at the helm of Indy 7.
When our class met Captain Todd on his brand new cruise ship, he began to tell us of his extrodinary life. He told us about how he came to be the successful captain he is today with an unlimited ton masters liscense. When he began to explain his education to us, he told us that he didn't go to a maritime college; he was a hospiper. He originally went to college to become an economics professor. Captain Todd would come to the South Street Seaport on the weekends to be the Captain aboard the Pioneer and slowly upgraded his liscense. He continued to sail for fun and eventually worked his way up an unlimited ton masters liscense. He had to recertify his liscenses when he began to work for the cruise line; Royal Carribean. Overall, his introduction to the Maritime Industry was extremely interesting to me because I'm considering going to a non-maritime college but I still wanna keep being involved in the Maritime community.