Pete Wilcox and His Adventures
When the Vessel Ops class took a trip to Greenpeace, which is one of 3 vessels in an environmental activist fleet, one name stood out to me most. Pete Wilcox ,captain on the activist vessels, he's been through a lot while trying to save the Earth from people and companies trying to harm it. He was on board when the boat, Rainbow Warrior, was blown up by French military members in New Zealand in 1985. Pete was also on the Arctic Sunrise when it was taken over by the Russian military in 2013, and he spent two months in Russian jail.
Mr. Wilcox supported many campaigns :
- 1981- Offshore oil drilling on Georges bank
- 1993 - Exposed Russian dumping of nuclear waste in the Sea of Japan
- 2007- Research trip to Greenland to document global warming
In April of 2016 , he released his book Greenpeace : My Adventures In Protecting The Of Our Planet.